It would make teaching C++ much easier for beginners

Installing and Using Dev C and Allegro Game Library. This page describes how to install both the Dev C Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and the Allegro Game Library.CISP 360 students will only need to follow the directions to install the Dev C IDE. Hello Scott and all Dev-C users, Wednesday, July 23, 2003, 12:53:37 AM, Scott wrote as follows: SSS Hello. I have been trying to make the leap to game programming. SSS However, I find OpenGL and DirectX very difficult. Does anyone know a SSS good graphics library that is easier then these two? Apr 04, 2020  In the previous two posts (Graphics Library Reference part 1 and part 2) I have discussed few important functions of graphics.h library in C Programming.As promised here is the sample C language program which demonstrates the use of graphics functions and draw some geometrical shapes on. Jul 30, 2014  For the Love of Physics - Walter Lewin - May 16, 2011 - Duration: 1:01:26. Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. Recommended for you.

I hear that one a lot. I think that's a very bad reason to put something in the standard library. The standard library does not exist to make teaching things easier.
Why should the hardware dependency be a problem?

Lots of hardware doesn't have the capability to show graphics at all, so that's all out of the picture right from the start.
On OS and hardware stacks that can support it, you've now got the GCC (and others) standard library team having to endlessly write libraries to intereact with an endlessly changing, always updating operating system API and associated hardware. No guarantee of anything apart from the operating system API. Seems like it shouldn't be the job of the GCC maintainers to be constantly updating to match this endless array of OS APIs, but if it's in the standard, that's where we are. So we're writing a slow graphics library with minimal functionality. Can't rely on the existence of accelerated graphics hardware and drivers, so the performance will be awful. Anyone who really wants to make use of graphics will use something that actually works well with their hardware. Who exactly is this crappy, quickly fossilised graphics library for again? Oh, to make it easier for people to learn how to draw lines in C++, except that once they actually learn they'll leave the C++ standard graphics library behind fast because they get much more functionality, probably much more easily, using something made for their OS and hardware.
So yeah, it's not a problem; it just ties us to a crappy library with poor functionality, trying to meet some minimal set of functionality on all possible OSes on all possible hardwares, for no serious benefit.

Dev C++ Graphics Library

Are we going to add everything to the std library so that newcomers don't have to learn what a thrid party library is? If that's the whole argument - it's to help people do things without needing a third party library - then that argument never ends, until eventually all possible libraries are in C++.
We already have simple graphics libraries that do what's needed. For the cost of a newcomer actually taking a few hours to learn what a library is and how to use it, they can have it already. The C++ library should not be a substitution for incompetent teachers.

I'm sure there are various nit-picks to be made above, but basically, my argument is that the C++ std library does not exist to cover incompetent teachers, and that a graphics library that tried to cover all possible implementations on all possible OSes on all possible hardware is going to be too bad to use seriously, and something that nobody will use seriously shouldn't go into the std library.

C graphics using graphics.h functions or WinBGIM (Windows 7) can be used to draw different shapes, display text in different fonts, change colors and many more. Using functions of graphics.h in Turbo C compiler you can make graphics programs, animations, projects, and games. You can draw circles, lines, rectangles, bars and many other geometrical figures. You can change their colors using the available functions and fill them. Following is a list of functions of graphics.h header file. Every function is discussed with the arguments it needs, its description, possible errors while using that function and a sample C graphics program with its output.

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C graphics

C graphics examples

1. Drawing concentric circles

#include <graphics.h>

int main()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
int x =320, y =240, radius;
for( radius =25; radius <=125; radius = radius +20)
circle(x, y, radius);

2. C graphics program moving car

#include <graphics.h>
#include <dos.h>

int main()
int i, j =0, gd = DETECT, gm;

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outtextxy(25,240,'Press any key to view the moving car');


for( i =0; i <=420; i = i +10, j++)

if( i 420)
if( j 15)
j =2;

cleardevice();// clear screen


C graphics functions

C graphics programs

Graphics in Windows 7 or Vista

C++ Graphics Library

Most of the functions are two dimensional except bar3d which draws a 3d bar, you can also implement these functions using already existing algorithms. You can also use these functions in C++ programs. You can use these functions for developing programs in Windows 7 and Vista using Dev C++ compiler. For that you need to download an additional package WinBGIm, download WinBGIm. Now open Dev C++ compiler go to Tools->Package Manager, use install button and then browse the package location. Now create a new project and select WinBGIm. This library also offers many functions which can be used for image manipulation, you can open image files, create bitmaps and print images, RGB colors and mouse handling.