1. How To Change Background Color In Dev C++

Sep 30, 2002  i tried textbackground and textcolor they didn't work, searched the forum, nothing so, anyone know how to change colors, thankx DEV C text/background color.(how to) Remember Me? Aug 30, 2013  Though one thing does worry me a bit. It appears my linker does not like CoTaskMemFree(pidl), which is a little odd. I have included windows.h, which should also include Objbase.h. Which library would I need to link to in order to utilize this. Aug 21, 2011  General C Programming; Change color of selected text. Change color of selected text. Is there any library or code to change selected text to some color? I know is working for changing color but it only change the whole thing to the color. Which alllow be to set the text and background color separately 1. #95 Display - 'current line' background color is always cyan. Mac crack app. I found no place to change the 'Current Line' background color. Thank you for your time, d. 1 Attachments. Orwelldevcpp - 2013-09-08 For some reason, Dev-C used to show this option in the general tab, probably because a lot of people wanted quick. A change to the BackgroundColor property affects only output that is written to individual character cells after the background color is changed. To change the background color of the console window as a whole, set the BackgroundColor property and call the Clear. Changing the background Color of a ComboBox when a string is choosen; How do I change the background color of a button/label when it is clicked? Removing image background color using java?? How to change the color returned by getRGB; C How to change font color in html output; C change textBox font size with a NumericUpDown.

How To Change Background Color In Dev C++

Through the standard, no. The screen doesn't even exist in C++, so neither do colors. Purely text and a standard input and output, and they're not even defined as to what it has to be.
However, there is several possibilities. If you're on windows, you can call the batch command 'color' using the system function. This will effectively change the background and foreground for the console until it's closed or changed again.
You can use an API specific version, there is some code here and on other sites that allow you to change color per character on the console. I have one that works with Windows, other operating systems not so much.
There is the option of going the ANSI route. Again, not standard, and not even guaranteed to work on all three of the main OS's. It is, however, going to work on the widest variety of computers, but isn't guaranteed to work on any.
It's up to you to pick what you want, and it's up to you to decide if you really want to implement it into your code. Again, it's not standard, and consoles aren't meant to use colors, however, some people swear it's what they want/need.