
A resource editor is a specialized environment for creating or modifying resources that are included in a Visual Studio project. The Visual Studio resource editors share techniques and interfaces to help you create and modify application resources quickly and easily. Resource editors enable you to view and edit resources in the appropriate editor and preview resources.

Portable Computer Programming Category. Dev-C offers a full featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C/C programming languages. A Portable Dev C enables programmers to take C programming with them wherever they go. Resource Hacker is an Amazing, Portable and Powerful freeware executable editor that just as the. Why doesn't dev-c resource builder take lines that start with CONTROL '.? I haven't had any trouble with CONTROL lines per se, but make sure it's not using some weird external control (there will be a parameter somewhere in the CONTROL line specifying a filename) because the dev-c resource compiler doesn't seem to like these.

Dev C++ Programs

Verpatch seemed to create a bad product version resource for me (using the /va /pv option). The version appeared correctly in Windows Explorer but the last character was missing when retrieved in code with VerQueryValue.To fix the bad resource, I did this: (1) Load the DLL in Resource Hacker. Bloodshed Dev-C (โปรแกรมเขียนภาษา C) Resource Hacker (โปรแกรมแก้ไขไฟล์ EXE และ RES ง่ายๆ) Thaiware Communication Co.,Ltd. ติดต่อ 02-635-0455. Oct 29, 2016  Hey guys welcome to my channel today i will teach you how to edit EXE file with resource hacker.It is a simple tutorial on how to edit, unpack and repack and exe file.Using this trick you can. ResEdit is a resource editor for Windows programs. The original purpose was to help C developers to create resource scripts. Now it can also be used to modify any resource in PE files (exe, dll.) and compiled resource scripts (res files).

The appropriate editor opens automatically when you create or open a resource.


Because managed projects do not use resource script files, you must open your resources from Solution Explorer. You can use the Image Editor and the Binary Editor to work with resource files in managed projects. Any managed resources you want to edit must be linked resources. The Visual Studio resource editors do not support editing embedded resources.

Use the..To edit..
Accelerator EditorAccelerator tables in Visual Studio C++ projects.
Binary EditorBinary data information and custom resources in Visual C++, Visual Basic, or Visual C# projects.
Dialog EditorDialog boxes in Visual Studio C++ projects.
Image EditorBitmaps, icons, cursors, and other image files in Visual C++, Visual Basic, or Visual C# projects.
Menu EditorMenu resources in Visual Studio C++ projects.
Ribbon EditorRibbon resources in MFC projects.
String EditorString tables in Visual Studio C++ projects.
Toolbar EditorToolbar resources in Visual Studio C++ projects. The Toolbar Editor is part of the Image Editor.
Version Information EditorVersion information in Visual Studio C++ projects.


Resource Hacker Dev C++

If your project doesn't already contain an .rc file, see How to: Create Resources.

View and Edit Resources

Each resource type has a resource editor specific to that resource type. You can rearrange, resize, add controls and features, or otherwise modify aspects of a resource using the associated editor. You can also edit a resource in text format and binary format.

Professional Dev Resources

Some resource types are individual files that can be imported and used in various ways; these include bitmaps, icons, cursors, toolbars, and html files. Such resources have file names and resource identifiers. Others, such as dialogs, menus, and string tables in Win32 projects, exist only as part of a resource script (.rc) file or resource template (.rct) file.

Resources can also be edited outside of the project without having the project open, see How to: Create Resources.


Properties of a resource can be modified using the Properties window.

  • To edit the properties of a resource, in Resource View, right-click the resource you want to edit and choose Properties. Then, in the Properties window, change the properties of your resource.

  • To undo a change made to the properties of a resource, make sure your resource has focus in Resource View and choose Undo from the Edit menu.

Win32 Resources

You can access Win32 resources in the Resource View pane.

To view a Win32 resource in a resource editor

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  1. Go to menu View > Other Windows > Resource View. Effectrix free full vst plugin crack download.

  2. If the Resource View window isn't the top-most window, select the Resource View tab to bring it to the top.

  3. From Resource View, expand the folder for the project that contains resources you want to view. For example, if you want to view a dialog resource, expand the Dialog folder.

  4. Double-click the resource, for example, IDD_ABOUTBOX.

    The resource opens in the appropriate editor. For example, for dialog resources, the resource opens inside the Dialog Editor.

To delete an existing Win32 resource

  1. In Resource View, expand the node for a resource type.

  2. Right-click on the resource you want to delete and choose Delete.


You can also use this method when you have the .rc file open in a document window outside a project.

Managed Project Resources

Because managed projects don't use resource script files, you must open your resources from Solution Explorer. Use the Image Editor and the Binary Editor to work with resource files in managed projects. Any managed resources you want to edit must be linked resources and Visual Studio resource editors don't support editing embedded resources.

  • To view a managed resource in a resource editor, in Solution Explorer, double-click the resource, for example, Bitmap1.bmp, and the resource opens in the appropriate editor.

  • To delete an existing managed resource, in Solution Explorer, right-click the resource you want to delete and choose Delete.

Preview Resources

Preview your resources to allow you to view graphical resource without opening them. Previewing is also useful for executables after you've compiled them, because the resource identifiers change to numbers. Since these numeric identifiers often don't provide enough information, previewing the resources helps you quickly identify them.

The following resource types provide a visual layout preview: Bitmap, Dialog, Icon, Menu, Cursor, Toolbar

The following resources don't provide a visual preview: Accelerator, Manifest, String Table, Version Information

To preview resources

  1. In Resource View or a document window, select your resource, for example, IDD_ABOUTBOX.

  2. In the Properties window, select the Property Pages button.


    Use a shortcut, go to menu View > Property Pages.

    The Property page for the resource opens displaying a preview of that resource. You can use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate the tree control in Resource View or the document window. The Property page will stay open and show any resource that has focus and can be previewed.



See also

Working with Resource Files
Resource Files
Resource Identifiers (Symbols)

How can I change my program's icon for anyone who uses the program? Obviously I would have to include the .ico file with it, but beyond that, I'm stumped.

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Resource Hacker Dev C++

Typically the main icon is linked in at compilation. How exactly you do it depends on your compiler. In all cases, a Windows resource named MAINICON is in your exe.

You can also check out '>Resource Hacker, which you can use to manually change a program's icon.